Why Counseling/Therapy?
At times we all need someone who will listen. Somethings can be so sensitive or difficult we cannot talk to those involved. Maybe we need to discuss such issues with those we are closest to us but can't or don't know how without causing conflict.
We all have relationships. These include those with others and ourselves. These can become “complicated” and impact our ability to function in our lives and cause significant distress (individually and in relationships), often leading to poor coping/adapting skills, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and other issues. Changes in life can also often cause challenges and lead to distress and conflict.
Other times we want to grow personally and/or professionally and develop but not sure how!
These are just some of the ways a good counselor or therapist can help and is different than talking to a good friend or family member. A safe place where you can be open, honest, safe and free from judgment!